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In response to resident feedback, six strategies were identified as most impactful in addressing their concerns and opportunities:

1. Increase community engagement by using social media and hosting face-to-face cottage meetings

Selectman Ballard utilized "The Town is Us" Facebook group to share information and calls to action during his 2019-2021 term.   Myths about government use of social media were busted, as well as about residents' ability to ask questions during public meetings.

2. Increase government transparency by providing better, more timely information about town matters

In 2020, Selectman Ballard worked with a group of three residents to assess the town's website and propose both functional and design improvements.  Although the town finally updated the web platform this year, there are still many urgent opportunities to improve both function and design.

3. Champion Accountability through increased participation in decisions

In 2022, private citizen Ballard conducted a survey of town residents regarding their views on tactics for Affordable Housing, after the town committee indicated they were not ready to do so.

4. Reduce the cost of town services while maintaining or improving quality

Selectman Ballard presented a proposal to the board to conduct an improvement study of municipal departments in the Summer of 2020.  While the Town Manager indicated it was a good idea, the board was not inclined to act.

5. Reduce the time it takes to identify and resolve town issues

Selectman Ballard worked with another resident to create a spreadsheet to track open BOS matters (and plan for future matters).  The previous First Selectman called it "campaigning", and wasn't interested in using it.  We'll use something similar on this site to keep residents informed.

After the mishandling of the Agbotic opportunity (as well as the previous RFP opportunity for the same East Street property), Selectman Ballard created a proposed RFP process, to reduce time to decision and involve residents early in the process.  It was also suggested that some discipline around RFP (opportunity-seeking) be enshrined in the town Charter, but was dismissed by that commission.

6. Facilitate clear goals, and a realistic strategy for our future

The town's Plan of Conservation and Development was updated in 2016.  Implementation didn't start for almost a year and a half, and by 2020 had stalled.  Selectman Ballard created a summary of the action items to call attention to our lack of progress and real, measurable goals.

The current BOS has spent almost 2 years on a "Strategic Plan" which is neither.  Private citizen Ballard reached out to several other residents who were willing to help move things forward.  They summarized resident feedback and presented a methodology for making the plan actionable.

When the town finally asked residents for feedback on the proposed town center study, Ballard made specific recommendations, matched feedback to an approach, and encouraged another resident to pursue a demonstration of how We could inform and guide a shared vision.

These are examples of what is possible when We are engaged.  We don't need permission to take action!

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